Moses with the ten commandments
In Moses’ life, we remember events showing a godly man and other stories that show a man who struggled with failure in certain areas. Even though he sometimes failed, Moses was a man consistently in tune with God’s plan. He loved the people of Israel who God called him to lead.
As a child, Moses grew up in the Egyptian Pharaoh’s house even though he was born to a Jewish family. Moses learned from the best Egyptian teachers and scholars an exposure that made him sensitive to God’s leading.
Moses was not a perfect speaker, yet he led the Israelite’s for 40 years out of Egypt to the edge of the Promised Land. Moses was a simple human being just as we are. He was chosen and used by God to accomplish His purposes.
Did you know?
1.Moses was the first abandoned child mentioned in the Bible?
But when she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of reeds and covered it with tar to make it watertight. She put the baby in it and then placed it in the tall grass at the edge of the river. Exodus 2: 3 (GNB)
2. Moses was raised as royalty
After Moses was weaned, the pharaoh’s daughter took him and raised him in the palace hence he enjoyed the luxuries of Egypt.
3. Moses was afraid
We all deal with fear so did Moses. God wanted Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt. Moses was afraid and gave excuse after excuse, one being that he stuttered. Moses told God, “Please send someone else” Exodus 4:13 (GNB) God didn’t want to send someone else and got angry with Moses.
But Moses said, “No, LORD, don’t send me. I have never been a good speaker, and I haven’t become one since you began to speak to me. I am a poor speaker, slow and hesitant.” Exodus 4:10 (GNB)
4. Moses was close to God
The job God called Moses to do was full of difficulties and challenges. Moses never hid his emotions and questions from God. They spent 40 days together on top of Mount Sinai and God gave Moses “the two tablets on which God himself had written the commandments. (Exodus 31:18 (ESV)
5. Moses was a murderer
Moses grew up in the palace but knew he was a Hebrew. The Bible records, Moses looked all around, and when he saw that no one was watching, he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand. Exodus 2:12 (GNB)
Lessons to learn from Moses
- God uses us despite our weakness and limitations to accomplish His purposes
- God wants to have a close relationship with us
- God can turn our circumstances to work for our good
- God wants us to trust Him to lead us through life
- God is patient with us