Bread for Today

Written by BSkenya

May 4, 2020

When Jesus says, man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from God’s mouth, He is certainly right. He is the bread of life on which we live move and have our being.

Naturally, food sustains us and the more we feed, the more we grow. It is the same with the word of God. Unless we intentionally dig deep into it, we can never and never will we mature and grow in the knowledge of Christ.

In a season like this, we are locked up in our homes wondering what the future holds. Some of us are trying to adjust to the new norm and it is hard. We do not know the time frame but one thing we are sure of is that God will provide our daily bread. He will do so a day at a time for we worry only about today, tomorrow takes care of itself.

The Exodus was quite massive. If it were Moses feeding a multitude of people some of whom were rogues and so stubborn, it could have been an uphill task for him. Contrary, God was the provider. He planned what to eat and how long to eat. He provided manna for the determined days for every Israel family. What about us? Is God not able to provide for us during this crisis? Heaven and earth are His and He knows how to feed His own. Jeremiah notes in Jeremiah 32:17, “Ah, Sovereign God, you created the earth and the heavens by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is hard for you.” Even your provision. If God could multiply the little five loaves and two fish, what can’t He do?

The provision of manna was a picture of how God would provide His son Jesus Christ as our eternal bread. Not for a short period but eternally. If there be a time, we can be intentional with feeding on this bread that gives life presently and eternally is now. Why don’t we have more Bible reading and studying as individuals and with our families? It is a chance we have been given to feed on God’s bread – His word. May we not waste this chance.

Every day, God gives grace and we can only know this fact if we abide in Him. Abiding in him means we do as He has commanded. Doing so calls us to engage with Him in His Word. If you do not have a Bible you can buy one from



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