Celebrating 50th AGM

Written by Joy Balusi

March 27, 2021

Cake to celebrate the 50th NAGM

Bible Society of Kenya held her 50th National Annual General Meeting on March 27th virtually on zoom.

This was a special meeting as the society marked its 50th AGM. We thank God for his goodness as we celebrate our heritage throughout all these years and for the lives that have been transformed through the work of BSK. Looking back, we have a lot to thank God for.

The event was graced by members from different branches including; Machakos, Bungoma, Kericho, Nairobi, Kakamega, Kisumu, Meru, Nakuru, Kiambu and Nyeri who turned up to attend the event.

The National Annual General Meeting is an annual forum for BSK registered members where they come to interact, receive reports of performance for the previous year, elect new Board members and get projections on the upcoming plans for the year.

The Guest speaker for the day was Mrs. Jemima Chiruyi from International Christian Center. She spoke on this year’s theme “Be still and know that I am God from Psalm 46:10. She noted that God reminds us to be still and know that He is in charge. She reiterated that God is sovereign over every situation and the entire universe. He wants us to surrender everything to Him and to trust in him fully. The gathering was encouraged to take all their cares and worries to the Lord in prayer even in these unprecedented times that we are living in.

Members at the AGM

New Council members were elected to join the dynamic team that steers the mission of the Bible Society of Kenya to greater heights. The Chairman Prof. Mumo Kisau welcomed the new Council members noting that they will steer the ministry of BSK to greater heights. He added that as more Christians join the lively team of members, they will collectively impact the community positively through God’s word.

The outgoing caretaker Board Chairman Dr. Timothy Kiruhi lauded all the members for their immense contribution to the success of the Bible Society of Kenya work. He noted that each member is a representative of BSK wherever they are hence they are highly valued. He encouraged them to continue participating in BSK activities and to recruit more members so that the family of BSK can continue to grow and influence the generations to come. Dr. Kiruhi highlighted some of the key achievements of the Society in the last 50 years as follows;

  • Translated and launched the Bible in 17 languages and revised 3 translations.
  • Distributed over 10 million Bibles in 20 languages
  • Reached 100s of thousands through audio Bibles
  • Equipped future church leaders in theological colleges / universities with Scholarly Scriptures.
  • Served the visually impaired through Braille Bible distribution

In March 2021, various branches held their AGMs before the main AGM. Members interacted and reviewed activities of the previous years and discussed plans for 2021. They were optimistic that despite the challenges occasioned by COVID-19, the branches would continue to support the BSK mission through carrying out activities that will enhance the Society’s awareness, implement programmes and mobilize resources for Bible work.

The General Secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Muriuki appreciated all members, Board, Partners and Staff for their contribution to the growth of the Society and bringing a positive impact to people’s lives through the spreading of God’s Word. She also honoured all the staff who had served Bible Society of Kenya for five years and above thanking them for their contribution to the Society.

A cake was cut in celebration of this great milestone. To God be the glory



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