Testimony of Mark George, 24 years, Form 4, Kagumo Secondary School, 2022
“Before 2020, I had dropped out of school for five years. When in school in 2015, I always had issues of indiscipline. Every now and then, I would be sent out of school for beating up teachers and students and selling drugs to my fellow students.
I was a young man with anger issues. I would cause havoc in my village. Everybody feared me.
Come 2020, Bible Society of Kenya visited my school. I had just resumed and joined Form 2. I received a copy of Revised Standard Version and that marked the turnaround of my life.
That Bible was like honey in my mouth. Interesting, right? God caused me to seriously read the Bible, and, in the process, I got born again.
Moreover, God enabled me to be a calm man. It was a 360 change for me. My family and my community are still in denial about my change. They are still in disbelief about what God has done.
I feel so good about myself. I am a changed man, and my grades are better than before. I look forward to attaining a C+ in my forthcoming K.C.S.E examination and hopefully join the Kenya Defense Forces.
Currently am helping the school administration rehabilitate other boys who are into drugs in school. I take it as my duty to speak to them about the dangers using my story. I would say I have become a fisher of men.