[rescue_box color=”gray” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]Where is the Good Samaritan Program Today?[/rescue_box]’’
Kenya has a worrying trend due to the HIV infections that have affected its population .According to the 2012 KAIS report, the national prevalence is 5.6%. The Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS) 2012 preliminary report puts national HIV prevalence at 5.6% for adults 15-64 years, down from 7.2% in 2007. Prevalence for children 18months to 14 years is 0.9%.
However, despite the drop in prevalence, current trend shows that the rate of HIV infection has rapidly increased among married couples or people in steady relationships comprising of 44.1% of new infections. In Kenya, more than 82% of the population is Christians, while there are more than 4,000 churches in the country. HIV affects every section of our social fabric, and the church is not left out. Most of the people who are affected are Christians who include religious leaders. However, due to false beliefs and misconceptions such as; “HIV is for sinners or prostitutes”, the church has been slow in responding to the scourge.
BSK through the Good Samaritan Program aims to provide trainings and the Good Samaritan Outreach Package to create awareness on HIV prevention to[rescue_box color=”gray” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
- fight stigma,
- reduce new infection
and - restores people’s dignity to those infected by spreading the message of love and hope.[/rescue_box]
The program is derived from the book of Luke chapter 10:25-37 and it targets different people such as couples, adults, youth and children.

Mr and Mrs Omanga a couple Founders of Nyabende Support Group at their borehole project in Ahero,Kisumu County.
Mr and Mrs Omanga- Founders of Nyabende Support Group, Ahero-Kisumu East Constituency. Kenya-Concordant couple. ‘’We have been living HIV positive for 10 years. It was a challenge for the two of us since we come from different ethnic communities that have for years fought for the country leadership. We strongly held each other no matter the discrimination from both our families.
When we were trained by the Bible Society of Kenya Good Samaritan Program, hope became part of us. The program encouraged us to form support groups that will help us develop since poverty had taken us. The Nyabende support group was started in 2008 with only 25 members Through the economic empowerment training, we gained knowledge on how crop farming can help us. We partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture who assisted us get seedlings and fertilizers. Partnership with various organizations and individuals has helped us establish a wide network of carrying out more activities such as rabbit keeping, poultry farming, water project, a school that support orphans, a VCT center,table banking for savings. Our group has also established a Gender Based Violence (GBV) program that advocates for zero violence against women and young girls. We can say that the Bible Society of Kenya opened doors for us and this has helped to community to address issues of HIV and AIDS.’’
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