The Bible Society of Kenya in conjunction with the Community Bible Study International ministry held a Training of Trainers (TOT) for community leaders to train them on how to conduct Bible study for different age groups including; children, youth and adults.
The aim of this training was to equip participants with skills on how to conduct effective, caring and in-depth Bible study to make true disciples of Jesus Christ. The training was very exciting as participants were engaged throughout all the sessions which included practical sessions on how to conduct Bible study
Community Bible Study is meant for everyone and anyone who desires to know the word of God. The main value of the Community Bible Study International ministry is love and care. In our world today most people are looking for someone to give them attention through love and care. Jesus was full of love and compassion and this is what we are to portray despite the myriad of challenges we face.
The partnership between the Bible Society of Kenya and the Community Bible Study International ministry is to see people’s lives transformed through the Word of God.
Participants were drawn from Churches in various Counties including; Kiambu, Mbeere, Machakos and Nairobi. BSK branch officials from Kakamega, Kericho and Kakamega branches also benefited from the training. They appreciated the training noting that it would help Church members, organizations and institutions to study and apply God’s word in their lives.
Bible Society of Kenya continues not only to avail Scriptures but to ensure that lives are changed holistically through application of Scriptures.