Bible Society of Kenya held refresher training for teachers in the Turkana literacy classes to build their capacity for effective teaching. These teachers have been training in the literacy for Women in Africa programme conducted by the Society in Turkana County.

Ongoing literacy training session
The training was done in partnership with the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) an organization that handles language development and training.
The training was held at KAG Soweto Church in Lodwar from 10th to 14th May 2021. A total of 40 teachers were trained on various topics including phonetic awareness, vocabulary development, fluency reading, fluency writing, and comprehension. The teachers were also taken through the theories of literacy, orthography, and the introduction to the learners’ primer and how to use the teacher guide.
The teachers who were going to train adult learners in 20 classes were reminded of the importance of applying proper skills and knowledge in their teaching methodology. The use of mother tongue in teaching the learners was emphasized by the trainers as it was key in helping the learners understand the lessons.
The climax was the commissioning of the teachers to use the knowledge acquired to transform the community through the literacy programme. The teachers received stationery, learners’ primers, and supplementary reading materials from BSK.
Through these literacy classes, many people have been empowered and are now able to have better standards of living. We hope that above all the learners will be able to read the Bible and find hope and direction from it.
We thank our partners for giving learners in Turkana County to access education.