Mwimbi Muthambi Bible Translation Project

Mwimbi Muthambi translators at work
The Mwimbi Muthambi is a community that lives in the Eastern part of Kenya, in Tharaka Nithi County, and is part of the larger Meru community that lives near Mt. Kenya.
Originally, it was envisioned that the community would use the Old Kimeru Bible and the Common Language Kimeru Bible.
However, the two Kimeru Bibles heavily lean on the Ki-Imenti dialect that is spoken near Meru town. The Mwimbi Muthambi community have found it hard to adapt to this Bible because they find it hard to understand since the two dialects are so different.
The Church leaders in the Mwimbi Muthambi community approached the Bible Society of Kenya to translate their Bible. Other neighbouring Meru dialects like the Tharaka and Chuka have initiated Bible translation projects under the assistance of Bible Translation and Literacy to serve their people better.
Currently, Christians use the Gikuyu Bible due to historical interaction with the Gikuyu community and language. However, there are several key terms used in the Gikuyu Bible which do not mean the same thing in the Mwimbi Muthambi language thus confusing Scripture reading in churches and other Scripture engagement forums.
The goal for the project is to have a Bible with Deuterocanon books. Currently, the translation team is drafting the Old Testament books. The preparation of the New Testament Psalms and Proverbs for publishing and subsequent launch in 2024 is underway.
The Book of Luke in Mwimbi Muthambi language was launched in July 2021 in Chogoria and was attended by various Church leaders in the area.
The project has four translators who work from Chogoria town.