Sharing God’s word in the streets
Jesus said faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God.
This month we held a successful Faith Comes By Hearing monitoring trip in Kisii and Nyamira Counties. We are happy to see the impact in people’s lives through audio Bibles. From the streets to homes and prisons, the narrative is that of growth in the Word of God.
We received testimonies that made our hearts glad. There was one lady who was in prison for killing her husband. She admitted that her anger issues led her to lose her freedom. However, the audio Bible has encouraged her and helped her learn to manage her anger. Another lady who was sentenced to life imprisonment admitted that the audio Bible is what gives her hope to continue living.
A mother of 13, who is 107 years, can’t hide the joy of the Lord in her. She rejoices every day knowing that her life is in the hands of the Lord. Her verse of the day is always John 14:6, ‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’
We couldn’t leave without showing Jesus Film in the streets of Kisii. We had overwhelming joy as we saw many people engaging in the Word.
If you are a Church, prison, hospital, and home care for the elderly you qualify to be part of the Faith Comes by Hearing program. Get in touch with through 0722205843 to participate in this life changing programme.