Psalm 133:1-3
“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!
Recently, we had a big celebration in my family and to help plan, some of our extended family members were incorporated to form the committee. To aid in our communication we would meet fortnightly and also formed a Whats App group. Unlike many other groups that I belong to, members refused to disband and chose to stay on, even though it is one year since the occasion came and went. We still meet to share a meal, laughter, and prayer. The oldest in this group is 75 years old while the youngest is the newest baby. It is a unique and diverse group as members are related by blood, marriage, and friendship. As a result, we are a support group for each other and enjoy sweet fellowship each time we meet.
Psalm 133:1-3 reflects this gem of truth, it is pleasant when brothers and sisters dwell together in harmony. It does not mean that there will be a 100% agreement on everything. So long as you have more than one person, there will be divergent views.
However, like the sweetness of an orchestra, divergence should not separate us, but rather with our divergence we find a symphony and live in harmony which is wonderful and pleasant. In addition to the pleasantness of harmony, the final verse of this Psalm records that therein God commands a blessing. It is one thing to ask for a blessing of God; it is a higher thing when God commands a blessing. This comes from living in harmony.
By Truphie Sumba, BSK Life Member