Young Samaritans: Empowering Teens & Youth

Written by BSK

May 22, 2024

A successful decentralized youth empowerment workshop was conducted for 250 teenagers and young adults in Kiambu and Embu Counties.

This training initiative was organized in collaboration with the ACK Church in Mbeere Diocese and Kiambu, with facilitation provided by a dedicated team from the Bible Society of Kenya (BSK).

During the workshop, participants were equipped with valuable insights on various essential life skills, such as decision-making, self-awareness, spiritual growth, and fostering positive relationships.

The inaugural session took place in Kihingo,Gathiga area of Kiambu County, where 40 teenagers benefited from the program. Many of these youths lacked exposure to critical life issues, making them vulnerable to making uninformed choices. Subsequent workshops were held in Siakago and ACK Riakanau, with a total of 89 participants engaging in the sessions.

The training sessions were designed to be interactive and engaging, utilizing methods like dramatization of biblical narratives, role-playing exercises, group discussions, and curated movie screenings to enhance comprehension and retention of the topics discussed.

Feedback from the participants highlighted their appreciation for the Bible Society of Kenya’s efforts in empowering them. Some attendees acknowledged struggling with peer pressure, while others expressed a need for more parental support. Through the workshop, they gained valuable insights on effective communication with both their parents and peers, along with a renewed understanding of God’s unconditional love for them.

We are grateful for the privilege to influence the lives of young individuals with a message of hope, and we firmly believe that they will emerge as proactive catalysts for positive transformation within their communities.

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